
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why I Thrift

image © pixeljones via flickr

There are really so many reasons that I love shopping at thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, and craigslist–those are in order from most to least favorite. Here are a few of my main motivations for buying used:

1. Environmental - we are a consumerist culture. We go out and impulsively buy what we think we need, we use it (or maybe not) for a short time and when we're bored with it, we toss it in the landfill. Buying something used keeps me from contributing to that cycle.

2. Economical - I buy most things second-hand and save tons of money each year. If I'm patient enough, I can usually find a good quality item at a thrift store for much less than I could buy a similar (but poorer quality) item instantly at [insert big box store here]. Personally, I would rather buy five items at a thrift store, saving enough money to then buy one really nice item at a designer store.

3. Entertainment - Some people may get the shivers when they think about stepping into a thrift store, and admittedly there are some occasionally crusty items, I find the treasure worth the hunt. Inevitably, sandwiched between the dozens of sequined, padded shoulder sweaters, I'll find a beautiful Kimchee & Blue shirt for $3.99. On the off chance, I come out empty-handed, I still find myself amused with all of the things that were once purchased brand-new, for who knows what ridiculous price.

4. Originality - Have you ever walked into someone's home and felt like you've been teleported into a pottery barn or IKEA catalog? That is the last thing I want someone to think when he or she walk through my doors. I want my home to reflect my family–our passions, memories, and taste–not what some catalog says it should look like. We do have a few pieces in our house from IKEA. We have several of their shelves and textiles, but some of them were actually bought at the thrift store. I love being able to look around my house and remember when I found each treasure and how much I paid for it. I love to remember what a piece looked like before it was cleaned, painted, or re-upholstered.

If you thrift, what do you love?

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