
Sunday, July 4, 2010

home office: before and almost after

I had planned to post a few pictures last week of the new office shelves that I've been working on, but with all the laundry, packing, and errands that precede a road trip, there just wasn't time. I was able to snap a quick before & after photo, although the "after" picture isn't quite complete. We still have a few more shelves to put up on a different wall, so there will probably be more shuffling of the boxes and books that are in the picture. As for the "before" picture... well, let's just say I might as well show you a picture of my dirty laundry. It's pretty embarrassing to admit that this is actually what it looked like. It wasn't from a lack of trying, there was just no way to organize that much stuff on the old steel shelf. It was a temporary solution, and I'm so thankful to have found the new shelves at the thrift store. It's such a nice surprise to be able to tackle a project sooner than expected.

I hope to finish up the rest of the office when we get back to Seattle next week, and I'll be sharing more photos when it's done as well as that acetone transfer project I've been promising. In the meantime, I hope to hit some local Montana thrift stores, and maybe I'll turn up some blog-worthy finds. If you'd like to keep up with our road trip adventures, you can follow me on twitter.

1 comment:

  1. It's looks beautiful so far, I adore those shelves! perfect for organizing. And I love how switching your clutter ur, precious belongings, to new shelves helps you purge unnecessary junk.
