
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

two dollar throw pillows

I was so excited about my new shelves last week that I didn't even mention these great throw pillow covers that I found on the same thrifting trip for 99¢ each. I first spotted the blue one and was smitten with the color and texture. Thinking that finding a second one would be too good to be true, I almost walked away without doing a thorough search. I'm glad I decided to look anyway, because a few feet down the rack I saw another great textured cover. The orange one was slightly different, but when I looked inside, the tags were identical—"Fabindia" handwoven in India.

I purchased the feather pillow inserts about ten years ago at pottery barn with a 40% off discount. I've since ditched the original covers, and for quite some time, these have sat in the closet, waiting for me to sew them some new ones. The thrifted covers are much nicer than anything I could have sewn, so I think it was worth the wait.

The majority of our furnishings around the house are pretty neutral, so it's always nice to add a little pop color. I didn't realize how well these pillows would go with the handful of colorful accessories we already have until I put them on the couch. Here are some books that are sitting on a shelf a few feet away from the couch:

And these are some wheat-paste collages that we made that hang on the wall behind our dining table, directly opposite the couch.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pillows and wheat paste collages! I'm assuming that's equal parts water and wheat flour spread thinly over paper? The result is gorgeous!
