
Monday, May 3, 2010

modern fabric resources

New fabric can be an inexpensive and great upgrade throughout your home. Use it for curtains, throw pillows, seat cushions (like my recent chair before & after), or stretch it on wood frames and hang it as art. Admittedly, I have a stash of fabric stuffed in the closet (aka: craft purgatory) awaiting the sewing machine and staple gun. Pictured above are a few pieces from the closet. The top pattern, which I picked up at a friend's garage sale, is in queue to become curtains for my little girl's bedroom.

My two favorite places to find a wide selection of modern fabrics online are purl soho and reprodepot. But most of the time, I prefer to shop for fabric in person so that I can accurately see the pattern size, colors, and weight of the material. My favorite local shop is Pacific Fabrics (I like their parking), but when I get the chance I'd love to pop into Crush in Wallingford Center (Bonus: Trophy Cupcakes is right next door). If you are looking for some smaller pieces of fabric at a great price, Buttercuppity Fabric's Etsy shop has a nice sale section, offering smaller yardage for $6.50/yd or less.

above: Tulianen by Pia Holm for Marimekko

I'm still waiting for the perfect project that would justify a purchase of some Marimekko fabric [wiping drool off keyboard]. But for a tight budget, Ikea has some great modern designs for $7.99/yd or less.
above: Ikea's Fredrika fabric - $6.99/yd


  1. If you want to change up your fabric shopping a bit, try Quiltworks Northwest in downtown Bellevue! They have an awesome play area to entertain the kids while you kids get mad when it's time to leave!

  2. Thanks Marcy! I rarely make it to the eastside, but I might just have to check it out.
